Dream #91

Dream #91

Ashika Pariyar has lived in Sharadas Shelter for Children most of her life. She is one of the fourteen children that we have been supporting for the last years in terms of education, nutrition and health. Now she turned 18 years old and the usual question comes up inside her mind: “Should I continue my education in university? Or should I start working to get some income? Maybe I can do both.”

This question is not easy to answer. Especially in a context like Nepal, where the professional opportunities are reduced and wages are very low.

But Ashika is not just any young girl. She has always been one of the top students in her school and we believe in her. We believe that if she proceeds with her education, she has a chance of having a better future and increase her level of income.

Last October we visited Nepal and we spoke her and Milan, the responsible for Sharadas Shelter for Children. And the conclusion was simple: she wants to continue with her studies and from our side, we want to continue supporting her academical progress.

Her plan is to enroll in a Business Management Bachelor at Patan University.

The cost for the first year is around 50.000 Nepalese rupees, so we decided to join some donations we have received and actually give her a 54.000 NPR scholarship for the current year. This value represents a total of 371€ and was donated by:


200€ - Laura Xavier

50€ - Isabel Vitória

40€ - Graça Sancho

30€ - Marylene

5 € - Sofia Seno

5€ - Carla Beirão

10€ - Luis Almeida

5€ - Sílvia Pontes

1€ - Samuel

Total = 371€


Thank you so much to everyone who donated. With your help Ashika will be able to attend university and improve the chances of having a brighter future.


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