Good morning everyone,

For a long time, I have been hiding from the idea. You're too old. Your foot is injured. You have other responsibilities that require your presence.

However, I still had time to gain the necessary courage to pursue another dream.

I have long wanted to go on a long journey running. I considered crossing the United States or the European continent. I even considered running from Cairo to Cape Town.

But destiny ended up bringing me to Japan. And it will be in the Land of the Rising Sun that I will complete this great challenge.

Over the next 50 days, between March 11th and April 29th, I propose to cross Japan running at the pace of a daily marathon, a total of 42.2 km per day. Alone and in autonomy. One marathon at a time.

Sometimes I wonder why and where these ideas come from. And the answer is simple. This is what I'm passionate about. To live great adventures and dive into the unknown. Jump off the map and drink from new cultures. Expand the horizon and limits of consciousness. It is in suffering and overcoming that I find the true meaning of life.

And I also do it to get directly involved in humanitarian causes. People and families I have a responsibility to support. In recent years, the people of Nepal crossed my path due to the force of an earthquake.

But I have long wanted to help my country, Portugal. The land that saw me born and I carry in my heart. My dreams always manifest themselves in the language of our poet, Luis de Camões.

When I am in Lisbon, it hurts me to see people sleeping in tents under viaducts, in the shadow of reinforced concrete and covered by stairwells. Normal people like you and me. Children, parents, men and women, who for one reason or another got lost along the way.

People experiencing homelessness deserve more. They deserve reintegration and dignity. And that's why I'm also going to run for them.

I intend to raise a total of €8000, half of which will be applied to the Dreams of Kathmandu cause and the other half will go towards Comunidade Vida e Paz, an institution that fights to create opportunities for thousands of disadvantaged Portuguese people.

Over the next few weeks, I will develop in detail the work carried out in both projects, both in Portugal and in Nepal.

To finish, I would like to leave an appeal. A message more important than the donations themselves.

If there is someone trying to run 50 marathons in 50 days - something that I honestly don't know if it is even possible to achieve - what would each of us be willing to do in the next 50 days?

Is there something that makes you feel uncomfortable, and you've always wanted to change? The opportunity is now. The world is going through an unprecedented crisis of values, it is up to us, members of humanity, to fight for what we believe and set an example in troubled times.

I propose that you join me in these 50 days and be the change you want to see in the world around you.

Hugs to everyone and thank you very much for your attention.

Pedro Queirós



WhatsApp: +351918744807

Facebook: Pedro Queirós

Instagram: @pedro_queiros_projectx

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