Dream #88

Dream #88

BHB is a company that belongs to the family of my good friend Duarte Ferreira da Costa in Portugal. They have been helping our projects in Dreams of Kathmandu for many years now, especially the ones concerning education in Sharadas Shelter for Children.

The fourteen of Sharadas are a permanent inspiration for us and we believe their education is key for them to achieve their dreams. And this is why we are proud to announce that in the year 2023-2024, BHB decided once again to support the education of ten of these chilldren. Sapana, Sajan, Sabina, Rupendra, Prakash, Pabitra, Lok, Anjali, Aashika and Bygham are the ones who received a full scholarship to continue their studies for another year.

The total support from BHB was 4180€, or 585.310 nepalese ruppes. Below you can find all the invoices from the children´s schools. We are so happy to see all of this happening. Education is the key for a sustainable development. Without this help, these kids would have to give up school and start working in restaurants or agriculture. The power of knowledge will take these children further in their lives. 

Thank you BHB and thank you everyone who keeps supporting!


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