Dream #67

Dream #67

Last month, in the beginning of December 2021, through two donations from our friends Francisco Xavier (225€) and Nick Bramer (575€), it was possible to purchase school uniforms, backpacks, shoes (2 pairs per child), winter clothes and school supplies for the 14 children from Sharadas Shelter in Kathmandu Nepal!

The children were still using school uniforms and shoes from 3 years ago! These donations were a huge blessing and will help these kids on a daily basis.

Also, as mentioned, we were able to buy winter clothes, and this is crucial because the winters in Kathmandu are usually very cold.

And so, we continue to make a difference in the project Dreams of Kathmandu. Always showing the origin of the funds and their application.

And above all, always willing to make a difference on the ground, in projects that we know well.

Thank you all for supporting and believing! Thank you for being on that side! If you have any questions or want to get involved, contact us in pedro_queiros@hotmail.com or ghazalvaziri@gmail.com

Resultados da traduçãGood morning everyone! Last month, through two donations from my friends Francisco Xavier (225€) and Nick Bramer (575€), it was possible to purchase school uniforms, backpacks, shoes (2 pairs per child), winter clothes and school supplies for the 14 children from Sharadas Shelter in Kathmandu Nepal! And so we continue to make a difference in the Dreams of Kathmandu cause. Always showing the origin of the funds and their application through photographs and invoices. And above all, to make a difference on the ground in projects we know well! You already know that you can always consult all the information and all the dreams that have come true to date at https://dreamsofkathmandu.blogspot.com/ Thank you all for supporting and believing! #dreamsofkathmandu


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