Dream #42
Dream #42
Dream number 42 is a very special Dream. Why? Because It's a Christmas Dream!!
Some weeks ago, back in November, we got the information that 79 families from the old Camp Hope in Kathmandu, were struggling back in their villages in the Himalayas. We are talking about 400 people, (including many children), from the villages of Patikuna, Chimi Dada and Bomanchor.
Once again, and because of Corona Virus, this people have lost most of their income and they cannot afford to buy food or personal hygiene items... for some of these families, the situation was/is really dramatic...
So, in Dreams of Kathmandu, we decided to get involved and once again make things happen!!
The operation was very complex, so we had to plan everything with a lot of detail.
This is how we did it:
How many families and people were in need? 79 families, around 400 people.
What to distribute? Food items such as rice, oil, flour, salt and sugar enough for 4 months. School material for the children. Toothpaste and soap.
What would be the total cost of the operation? We estimated a total budget of 1950€, including the cost of renting a truck to transport all the items.
Who will sponsor the operation? We had some funds with us from previous donations and other we had to ask and collect. In the end, these were the people that paid for the operation, THANK YOU GUYS!!
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