Dream #38
Dream #38
The situation in Nepal was already difficult before the pandemic, and now it just got even worst.
Because of the lockdowns in the big cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara, it’s very hard for people to get income and pay for their family expanses such as rent and food. In some cases the situation is really dramatic. Also the money that normally came to Nepal from tourism, that represents around 10% of the GDP, has been reduced this year to almost zero.
A lot of families have left the big cities and moved to their villages in the countryside, where they can have some farm animals and work the soils to grow cereals and vegetables. This is a positive move for sure, but it also means that the children are getting away from their schools and on-line classes. In the remote areas of Nepal is very hard to get an internet connection.
In Dreams of Kathmandu our priority is to focus and help in the areas of education and health. But how can the children study if they don’t have food?
So in these months we have been focusing a lot in fundraising for food distribution. And two of the projects we support, the shelters of Sharadas and Tchecho, are one of our main priorities.
22 children live in these two places and thanks to the donation of 750€ by Sergio Queiros and Daniela Marques, it’s possible to provide food for them during 4 months!! It's just amazing!!
Thank you so much guys, you are making a difference in the lives of these children. In these hard times they are more thankful than ever. Thank you.
If you wanna support our projects in Dreams of Kathmandu contact us in pedro_queiros@hotmail.com or ghazalvaziri@gmail.com. Together we can make a difference and help the children of Nepal. Get involved!!
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