Dream #3


6 months ago, we, Pedro and Ghazal got married in Tehran. It was the happiest day of our lifes. At that time, around 30 friends and family, travelled from Portugal and they brought with them money for activities, hotel , food, etc…

Amongst all those 30 people, about 437€ remained in the end of the journey… and it was decided to give that money to a project in Nepal. Today is the day to use those funds and make another DREAM happening, dream number 3!

Sharada's Shelter for Children is an orphanage run by Milan and Sharada Pariyar who have two children of their own (Salome, 3 years old and Sam, 10 years old). Edward Turner from OPERATION NEPALI CHILD is also involved deeply involved in the project since 2013.

In total, the shelter takes care of 13 children (7 girls and 6 boys) plus their two own children, Salome and Sam.

Every day Sharada and Sita (their helper who also lives at the children shelter and has one child of her own) has to clean the children's clothes by hand. It's tough cleaning clothes for one person, let alone for a household of nearly 20 people! It is especially hard work in the winter months when the days are shorter and colder. With financial resources limited to the children they support, the prospect of a washing machine is a distant aspiration. But imagine if we made this a reality for them?

Today DREAMS OF KATHMANDU makes that dream come TRUE and we also donated two heaters, one for the boys room and one for the girls’ room. We are very happy with this accomplishment!



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