Dream #18
Dream #18
Education in Nepal, is one of the areas that our project is keen in supporting, because it's the only way that this beautiful children of Nepal, can aspire to develop themselves and help their families break the poverty cycle.
At Dreams of Kathmandu we often discuss this aspect: but how can children study if they don't have a proper diet? Or if they are cold? Or if they have cavities? For us, helping in education means supporting the children in many more areas mainly housing, health and nutrition. With education always in the centre.
Studying in Nepal is cheap comparing to other countries and developed societies in the world. With 300-400€ it's possible to pay for a one year scholarship including books, school fee, uniform and sports clothes!. This is between 6 and 17 years old. If the child goes to a boarding school, or in other words if he or she sleeps there all year long, the price can increase to 750€.
It's not expansive but when we are talking about supporting many kids like we do in Dreams of Kathmandu, the bills can be high.
The use of uniform and proper shoes in the schools on Nepal is mandatory.
So last year, we decided to support and finance shoes, backpacks and some uniforms for the 15 children of Sharadas Shelter for Children.
In total we spent 300€ and look how beautiful and happy the children look.
The funds to make this dream happen, came from the sell of the book "My Way to Kathmandu.". If you want to support our cause, please buy this book for only 15€.
For more informations about our projects, books or how to get involved please contact us in pedro_queiros@hotmail.com or ghazalvaziri@gmail.com.
There are still many dreams to achieve and we need your help to make them come true!
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